A truly novel system that adapts
to meet your needs. Ultra efficient
use of space and resources. Setup
and warm up times so short it makes a single print run a reality. Longer print runs can easily be tailored to the specific job.
97% reduction in water use
95% reduction in air toxicity
80% reduction in bench use
60% reduction in chemistry use
80% reduction in warming up time
95% reduction in set up/takedown time
Compared to trays

Darkroom System
The Optima System consists of a base unit which sets the maximum print size. Peripheries are then added in seconds. Each divider adds a wash slot. The pods are a deep slot chemical or toner bath. Other peripheries provide rapid warm up time, temperature control, film processing capability or a unique density specific wash system. You make the perfect tank to fit your space, skills, budget and needs. Whether amateur or professional in the course of a decade or even just between print runs your circumstances will change. Naturally, so will your equipment.
Features & Options >>
Optima12 Trailer >>
OptimaX Trailer >>
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